RHYMA Master


The University Master Degree in Water Resources and Environment (RHYMA) was implemented in the 2008/2009 academic year (BOJA nº 133, July 17, 2009). It is an official Postgraduate degree, registered in the Registry of Universities, Centers and Titles (BOE nº 103, April 29, 2010, Sec. III, page 37679).

The purpose of the Master's Degree in Water Resources and Environment (RHYMA) is to provide answers to the rising request for professionals specialized in the sustainable management of water, an essential and strategic resource that is becoming ever scarcer. The programme offers training in advanced and multidisciplinary techniques in water resources, with expertise in the functioning of aquifers and skills to evaluate, protect, and manage water in a sustainable way for environmental preservation.

Upon the completion of the master's degree, graduates will be able to successfully contribute to the resolution of environmental problems concerning water, at national and international level, within public administrations or private corporations. Moreover, this master offers the possibility of continuing your research training as a PhD student.

To obtain the Master Degree in Water Resources and the Environment, at least 60 credits will be necessary to take and pass, distributed as follows: 30 credits of compulsory subjects, 10 credits of elective subjects, 8 corresponding to Internships and 12 credits of the Master's thesis.

Offering just 20 vacancies per edition, the Master's Degree in Water Resources and Environment guarantees a personalized training, in which each student receives the necessary assistance to achieve its academic and professional goals. Throughout 17 editions, nearly 300 students have taken part in this training programme, with a success rate reaching 87%. Our graduates are currently working in several countries, such as Germany, Australia, Holland, Chile, and USA, testifying the quality and international scope of the received formation.


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Number of places and place of teaching

The number of admitted will be about 20.

Classes of the RHYMA Master will be taught in the Ada Byron Research Building, located in the extension of the Teatinos Campus of the University of Malaga.

Teaching is completely face-to-face and is given in classroom A.0.1 - A.0.2, on the ground floor of the building, to the right of the reception.


Entry profile and requirements

Admission to the Master is open to graduates in Geology, Environmental Sciences, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Mining Engineering, Civil Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Geological Engineering, Chemical Engineering or Industrial Engineering. Likewise, applications from other higher degrees in related disciplines will also be considered, as long as sufficient training in matters related to the master programme's content is accredited.

Applicants with diplomas issued by foreign centers in training equivalent to Spanish degrees may have access to the Master's programme without the requirement to homologate its university degree, as long as previously accredited proof be provided to demonstrate that this qualification entitles the applicant to enroll in postgraduate studies in the country where the degree was issued.

Selection criteria

The selection criteria are: the academic record (60%) and the curriculum vitae (40%). Certificates of proficiency in spoken and written Spanish will be required for those students coming from a country whose main language is other than Spanish. Those will be rejected if unable to fulfil the minimum requirements.

Prices of admission

The approximate amount of the Master, according to the current public prices in the 2023/2024 academic year, was 820 euros (16.68 euros/ECTS), plus about 60 euros of administrative fees.

Scholarships and grants

The UMA Scholarship Service (https://www.uma.es/becas) announces and manages the wide range of scholarships aimed at students at the University of Malaga. In addition, attempts will be made to obtain grants for scholarships from some institutions collaborating with the Master's. Depending on the financial availability of the Master, up to two accommodation scholarships for students will be offered for an amount of 1000 euros each.

Dates and deadlines for pre-registration

According to the regulations on Admission to university in Andalusian public universities, the pre-enrolment process for university master degrees is exclusively carried out through the online platform of the Andalusian District, which centralizes all applications for admission to any public university in Andalusia.

Application procedure is divided into three phases:

- Phase 1 (exclusive for applicants with foreign degrees).

- Phase 2 (regular)

- Phase 3 (extraordinary)

For information regarding the dates of evaluation processes, publication of lists and reviewing or complaints, please visit the web site of the Distrito Único Andaluz.

Applications for pre-registration for Official Master's Degrees will be submitted online
Andalusian Unique District web portal

More information

Degree results